LAUGHLIN Challenge

Kreg Donahoe Goin' For It: ABSOLUTELY AIRBORNE on the main jump : going for lap-time AND jump-record. NOTE: this was lap before the "crash" (see below)

Kreg Donahoe Goin' For It: He "broke" the jump record (> 136 feet, set by Larry Roeseler of Team McPherson) of the event, LITERALLY..

Kreg Donahoe & co-driver "walked away from it" (INCREDIBLE). They let the crowd know in "no uncertain terms"...

post-crash yellow-flag (for the hairpin), safety crew at work
NOTE: the left-rear rim completely sheared off at the knock-off hub
Hero Of The Day: Kreg Donahoe
"I Came, I Raced, I Conquered"
"The Human Highlight Film (Trophy Truck)"


mid-air "correction"


Kreg Donahoe's '99 "Out of Control Tour": WE WANT THE WORLD, AND WE WANT IT... *NOW*..
- Click HERE to see COVERAGE of the Kreg Donahoe's "Never Lift" Human-Highlight-Film
- Click HERE to goto COVERAGE of the recent
Laughlin Race (Jan 21 - 24)
- Click HERE to goto '99 Season Off-Road Racing page
(featuring SAME DAY coverage)

This was taken at the '93 El Toro Air Show. The F86 Korean War vintage jet was making a loop, and on the finishing portion pancaked into the pavement. This image was shown on ABC National TV, as well as CNN.

This is Jim Smith, CEO of Ultra Wheels on the opening stretch of the 1990 Fireworks 250. The start of every off-road race is pretty frenetic, as all the drivers are trying to get their cars ahead of the pack (to avoid the blinding dust trails). Also, them boys got their adrenalin pumpin'. Which is I think what happened here. I look up, and I see this Class 1 buggy VERTICAL, nose down -- too much accelerator off the berm. It's called an "endo" (end over end). This was shot with a 50mm lens, that's how CLOSE I was.. Whew.
BTW, J. Smith has a major hand in the recently introduced NASCAR SuperTruck racing series. He occasionally will jump into the driver's seat, as he did for Robby Gordon this last year (subbing for the Baja 500). Robby was tied up with his IndyCar schedule, the Milwaukee 200 1 week right after the Indy 500.

This is the start of the Heavy Metal warm-up race (Friday), at the Willow Springs World Championships. Jack Flannery (Wisconsion) gets out of shape and "T-bones" Frank Vessels, putting him out of the race (and the weekend). I'm in kinda of a dangerous way here -- in fact you can see me in the bottom lower right corner in the ESPN video. Again, another bullet dodged.
For more information on SCORE off-road racing, check out

This is off the start of the Class 5-1600 race, 1990 Willow Springs World Championships. The bug got out of shape off a berm (too much "rebound" in the rear suspension), and it "launched" into an "endo". The weird thing was, the co-driver exited out of the sun-roof, with gasoline draining quite profusely from the filler tube. Geez.

This is off the start of the Anaheim Mickey Thompson Grand National Sport Truck race. He got him from behind, and got flipped. BTW, that's Robby Gordon (in NASCAR this year) in the foreround

This is an Arizona racer (? name) at the 1990 SCORE World Championships, who got out of shape on the front stretch off a berm. Fortunately, he was OK.

This is Spencer Lowe (Class 7s), on the rhythm section of the 1991 Willow Springs World Championships. He got hit from behind, and got turned around & flipped.

This is going back home from the May '94 annular eclipse in Baja. A semi "cooked it" into a corner (setup for road repair) too hot, and flipped it on its side. In the process of taking this picture, I severely sprained my ankle. Ouch.
NOTE: these are temporary _video digitizer_ "scans" of my 35mm frames (mediocre quality), check back when PhotoCD scans are ready
Also, more images will be posted -- so check back periodically. Site is still under construction!
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All Images Copyright 1997 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved / No Use Without Permission
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