John Swift of MetaTools (creator of Kai's Power Tools, et al) is into paragliding in his free time. Met him by accident, in the San Bernardino Mountains. There were rattlesnakes ALL over the hill. Yikes.

Scott Challenge Meet -- Mitch McAleer shortly after take-off (& his patented "primal scream" on launch). Then, he goes right into an acrobatic loop (!). You see, Mitch is a 2-time National & World Aerobatic champion. You just don't see people do this at a meet (save your energy)..

John Heiney performing some demonstration aerobatics, at the Scott Challenge. He holds the world record for the most consecutive loops. I bet Mitch can break this mark, as he has communicated to me the desire to.

Some shots from the Scott Challenge. In the 1st pic, the pilot is a former Mousketeer! You'd never know, by looking at him.. In 2nd pic, a pilot prepares for launch, while another searches for a thermal above. In 3rd pic, a custom-designed fixed mono-wing gets airborne. In 4th pic, a pilot clears a hill decorated with blooming spring wild flowers.
NOTE: these are temporary _video digitizer_ "scans" of my 35mm frames (mediocre quality), check back when PhotoCD scans are ready
Also, more images will be posted -- so check back periodically. Site is still under construction!
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