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6x7 camera 610mm f6 lens

6x7 camera 1020mm f8 lens

[ crop ] of above 1020mm telephoto shot. One can *barely* detect the subtle multiple fine streamers associated with the ion-tail.

6x7 camera & 300mm/4 lens. This was a breathtaking moment for me, to see the comet clear the hill-line -- it was *blazing*. Note the moonlit rocks and shadows, give the image an almost 3 dimensional effect! NOte that the exposure was short to *freeze* the horizon, but nevertheless the Veil Nebula recorded ever so faintly.

6x7 camera & 165mm/2.8 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 50mm lens, 35mm format).

6x7 camera & 165mm/2.8 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 50mm lens, 35mm format).

6x7 camera & 105mm/2.5 lens stopped down to f4 . You can see the entire constellation Cygnus (i.e. Northern Cross), and the Milky Way along its spine (faintly, due to moonlight). The well known North American Nebula, Gamma Cygnus complex, Veil Nebula are also recorded.

6x7 camera & 105mm/2.5 lens stopped down to f4 . Same as above, but vertical composition. You see the floor of the canyon, consisting of Joshua Trees and rock formations.

6x7 camera & 75mm/4.5 lens. Taken during strong twilight conditions, sunrise encroaching.

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