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Comet Hale-Bopp 3/11/97

6x7 camera 610mm f6 lens.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 300mm/4 lens (the same field of an 150mm lens, 35mm format).

This is a telephoto shot, using a Nikon 300mm/2.8 EDIF lens on 35mm. It has about same FOV as 300mm FL Schmidt Camera image. Note how the color shot inherently "spectrally distinguishes" the ion tail (blue) and dust tail (yellow).

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 105mm/2.5 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 50mm lens, 35mm format). What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.
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