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Comet Hale-Bopp 3/24/97

Visual/Photo log

Schmidt-Camera images
None taken, due to moonlight interference.
Telephoto Lens images

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 300mm/4 lens (the same field of an 150mm lens, 35mm format). The landscape is nicely illuminated by a full moon (essentially a *daylight* effect), but the comet is quite *washed out*. Only the very intense nucleus + near-coma stands out. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 165mm/2.8 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 85mm lens, 35mm format). You can see part of Cassiopeia above the palm tree. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 105mm/2.5 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 50mm lens, 35mm format). You can see part of Cassiopeia above the palm tree. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 75mm/4.5 lens stopped down to f4 (the same field of an 35mm lens, 35mm format). Note oncoming sunrise to the right. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 6x7 camera & 45mm/4 lens(the same field of an 22mm lens, 35mm format). Note oncoming sunrise to the right. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.
Scenic shots

This is a telephoto shot, using a 200mm lens. Looking towards the western horizon, from a small hill in the middle of a *desert moonscape*. I'm reminded of the Doors lyric from *Moonlight Drive*, ..Let's swim to the Moon, let's climb through the tide, .... What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.

This is a telephoto shot, using a 200mm lens. A bit later than above picture, looking towards the western horizon, from a small hill in the middle of a *desert moonscape*. Moon is just setting below hill-line. The colors!! Note the pinkish glow, due to sunrise from east. What a magnificent sight to see this *arrangement*, set against a beautiful forground. Wow. A memorable moment.
(see above) What a glorious finale to the photo session.
Site/Travel log (& Misc)

what a moment, I was mesmerized..
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