Copyright 1998 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved

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[ 90 ° x 140 ° FOV ] full-frame fisheye

time-lapse camera #3:

(frame offset = 0)
Meteors recorded in following frames:


frame #2 (11:20pm - 11:30pm PST, 11/16)

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NOTE: This is the SAME meteor, as recorded with the 14mm lens (see 14mm section), 20mm lens (see 20mm section)

(foreshortened) BRIGHT fireball, with noticeable apex. The radiant is from Leo, which is just rising above the East horizon. Note the meteor-trail color: it starts out as green, brightens/thickens to red, & dissipates. Note the Deep-Sky objects, notably Orion (Barnard's Loop & red nebulosity above Betelgeuse), Rosette Nebula (just east of Betelgeuse), California Nebula (NGC1499), Pleiades (M45). Also, Jupiter is bright in the SouthWest.

frame #4 (11:30pm - 11:40pm PST, 11/16)

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NOTE: This is the SAME 50 degree meteor, as recorded with the 50mm camera-cluster (see 50mm section),7.5mm lens (see 7.5mm section), 14mm lens (see 14mm section), 20mm lens (see 20mm section)

Note the LONG 50 deg meteor-trail, going East -> West. The meteor is travelling through the constellation Lynx, between Gemini & Ursa Major. The radiant is from Leo, which is just rising above the East horizon (the outline of Leo's sickle is drawn-in). Note the meteor-trail color: it starts out as green, brightens/thickens to red, & dissipates. Note the Deep-Sky objects, notably Orion (Barnard's Loop & red nebulosity above Betelgeuse), Rosette Nebula (just east of Betelgeuse), California Nebula (NGC1499), Pleiades (M45). Also, Jupiter is bright in the SouthWest.

frame #10 (12:30am - 12:40am PST, 11/17)

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NOTE: This is the SAME meteor, as recorded with the 7.5mm lens (see 7.5mm section), 6x7 45mm lens (see 6x7 45mm section), 6x7 105mm lens (see 6x7 105mm section, 6x7 165mm lens (see 6x7 165mm section). These images have LOTS of image scale, & good closeups of the meteor-trail.

This is a 90 degree (!) BRIGHT fireball, the LONGEST one observed at my site. The beginning-portion of trail is visible at top-center of the frame, as it enters Auriga. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects, notably Orion (Barnard's Loop & red nebulosity above Betelgeuse), Rosette Nebula (just east of Betelgeuse).

frame #19 (2:00am - 2:10am PST, 11/17)

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NOTE: The meteor near M44 is the SAME meteor, as recorded with the 20mm lens frame #19 (see 20mm section)

This frame contains 5 bright meteors (indicated by arrows), over a 10 minute time-period. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects, M44 & Rosette Nebula (top right, near edge).

frame #21 (2:20am - 2:30am PST, 11/17)

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Bright meteor going through Hydra. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (just rising above E-NE horizon).

frame #23 (2:40am - 2:50am PST, 11/17)

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2 fireballs going through Lynx. Their near-proximity illustrates the temporal & spatial "clustering" effect (as noted by many world-wide Leonid observers). The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (just above E-NE horizon).

frame #24 (2:50am - 3:00am PST, 11/17)

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4 BRIGHT meteors total (over 10 minute period): BIG fireball in N-NW horizon (below & left of Polaris), bright meteor near Coma Berenices, 2 bright meteors near radiant [Leo]. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (just above E-NE horizon).

frame #26 (3:10am - 3:20am PST, 11/17)

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fireball in Gemini. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (just above E-NE horizon).

frame #27 (3:20am - 3:30am PST, 11/17)

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fireball in Cancer. Note the terminus, which has a protracted bright "head". The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (just above E-NE horizon).

frame #29 (3:40am - 3:50am PST, 11/17)

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2 fireballs, 1 in Cancer & 1 in Ursa Major. The radiant is from Leo (Leo's sickle is drawn in). Note the Deep-Sky objects: M44 & Coma Berenices (above E-NE horizon).

frame #2 (3:40am - 3:50am PST, 11/17)

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fireball in Hydra. The radiant is from Leo. Note Orion, Gemini, Canis Minor, Auriga, Perseus. Camera pointed towards SW horizon, with oncoming morning twilight.

Time Lapse Animation

[ Come Back Later ]

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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: come back until Dec 1 for additional images