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10 minute exposure, centered on radiant within Leo's "Sickle". Due to proximity to radiant, the meteor extent is very small ("stubby" & "fat"). It is very energetic, and leaves a noticeable debris trail. Note that it is bifurcated! The *larger* debris-trail originates from the central-portion (w/maximum width, where it "exploded"?), & *smaller* debris-trail originates from the terminus (less energetic). See below, for interesting color components..

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This is a closeup of the above image. The colors are very telling! Consider the meteor-trail. The beginning-portion has a characteristic *green* component. The central-portion & ending-portion has a *red* component. Now, consider the debris-trail. The debris-trail associated with the *explosion* (central-portion, where width is maximum) is *aqua-marine* (indicating a 2ndary sublimation) fanning out to *slight red*. The debris-trail associated with the end-tip has a similar morphology (it's size is less, presumably since the meteor remnant is reduced in size).

It seems as if there are in fact 3 sublimation events: the *initial* atmospheric entry (resulting in the main meteor trail), with 2 2ndary ones. Each has a characteristic *green* or *aqua-marine* "front-end". The aqua-marine is very reminiscent of the blue-green coma of comets (sublimation of comet nucleus, due to solar wind). This makes sense, since meteor particle is solid material ejected from comet.

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Above image converted to B&W, contrast enhanced to reveal outer-extent.

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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: come back until Dec 1 for additional images