Copyright 1998 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved

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This was ~4am, during which there was a LOT of activity, FAR from the radiant (in the west, near Orion & Auriga).

Note the wide extent of the meteor trail, at least 10 deg. 2 min exposure, taken shortly after the event. The trail was clearly seen in binoculars (reminded me of Barnard's Loop, looked like a "C"), & video was also taken. It is obvious, how the high atmospheric winds have expanded the initial snake-like smoke-trail.

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This is a closeup of the above image. The colors are very telling! (analysis left to meteor experts)

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This is an (extended) closeup of the above image. The colors are very telling! (analysis left to meteor experts)

The following 2 images show 2 fireballs within 20 minutes, where the debri-trail of the 1st fireball (1st shot) is seen in the 2nd shot (containing the 2nd fireball).

frame #2 (11:20pm - 11:30pm PST, 11/16)

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NOTE: This is the SAME meteor, as recorded with the 14mm lens (see 14mm section), 20mm lens (see 20mm section)

(foreshortened) BRIGHT fireball, with noticeable apex. The radiant is from Leo, which is just rising above the East horizon. Note the meteor-trail color: it starts out as green, brightens/thickens to red, & dissipates. The debris-trail (near the eastern-horizon) will be seen in the following shot

frame #4 (11:30pm - 11:40pm PST, 11/16)

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NOTE: This is the SAME 50 degree meteor, as recorded with the 50mm camera-cluster (see 50mm section),7.5mm lens (see 7.5mm section), 14mm lens (see 14mm section), 20mm lens (see 20mm section)

Note the LONG 50 deg meteor-trail, going East -> West. The meteor is travelling through the constellation Lynx, between Gemini & Ursa Major. The radiant is from Leo, which is just rising above the East horizon (the outline of Leo's sickle is drawn-in). Note the debris-trail near the eastern horizon (the remnants of the fireball in the above picture).

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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: come back until Dec 1 for additional images