Copyright 1998 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved

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view of meteor-patrol equipment: 3 GEMs (EM10, EM100, G11), 2 tripods (time-lapse cameras), video-tripod

Looking towards the east (where Leo was rising).

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tighter view of meteor-patrol equipment: 2 GEMs (EM10, EM100), 2 tripods (time-lapse cameras). G11 GEM & video-tripod not visible.

Looking towards the east (where Leo was rising).

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west view of meteor-patrol equipment (& 4x4 van). You can tell I'm setup in an arroyo. Note: it is a *dangerous* place, in the event of rain & flash-flooding). There was rain forecast for the following day!

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east view (where Leo rose from the hills), of the 2 GEMS carrying time-lapse cameras. The Takahashi EM10 (left) has the fisheye cameras. The EM100 (right) has the 4-camera array of 50mm lenses + WA (wide-angle) 24mm lens.

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Closeup of the Takahashi EM10, with the 2 fisheye cameras: Canon 7.5mm/5.6 & Leica 16mm/2.8

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Closeup of the Takahashi EM100, with the 4-camera bank of 35mm cameras: 2 Canon 50mm lenses (stopped to f2, on Canon F1's) & 2 Nikon 50mm lenses (stopped to f2, on Nikon F2's). There is also an F3 + 24mm/2.8 lens on the counterweight shaft.

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Closeup of one of the cameras on the 4-camera bank: Canon 50mm/1.8 lens (stopped to f2, on Canon F1).

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east view (where Leo rose from the hills), of the 2 tripods carrying (fixed) time-lapse cameras. The Bogen 3020 (left) has the 20mm. The Bogen 30?? (right) has the 14mm lens.

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west view, of the G11 GEM (bank of 6x7 & 35mm cameras) & observing lounge-chair (w/binoculars & notepad). Video tripod is on the right. Note the "mess" of equipment cases near the van (& inside).

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west view of meteor-patrol equipment (& 4x4 van). Above view, but panned to the right. Going left-to-right, you can see the 2 tripods (containing the fixed time-lapse cameras), video tripod (w/low-light B&W video camera & recording equipment), & EM100 GEM (containing the 4-camera bank of 50mm lenses). Note the "mess" of equipment cases inside+outside of the 4x4 van.

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Closeup of one of the 3 top cameras on the G11 GEM (for "free roving" patrol of meteors). There are 2 6x7 cameras (165mm/2.8 lens & 45mm/4 lens, wide-open), & 35mm camera (w 85mm/1.8 lens, stopped to f2). Not visible (on the counter weight shaft), is another 6x7 camera (w 105mm/2.5 lens, wide open) & F3 (w 35mm f2 lens).

The "cage" are the rings for Astrophysics 5" f8 APO refractor. Click HERE to see a *normal* astrograph-survey configuration.

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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: come back until Dec 1 for additional images & TIME-LAPSE animation