Taken from Death Valley @5000 ft elevation, overlooking salt beds at near sea level. The proverbial crows of the Southwest seemed to join the tourists for the fine view. I was happy to record this on film

I accidentally came upon a "blow-hole", in Baja along the Pacific coast. What an interesting spectacle, and very entertaining. Each fountain was a little different.

The incredible Havasu Falls early morning, deep in the Grand Canyon. Quite a long hike, during 100+ temperatures in Summer '94. Well worth the effort. I slept on the rocks, towel (as pillow) under my head -- under starlight. The noise got pretty deafening, & annoying after awhile

Another early morning shot of Havasu Falls, with strong backlighting

Sunrise in Baja de Los Angeles. The rugged mountain scape is preceded in the foreground by a beautiful tranquil bay, teeming with wildlife

Roaming a rock formation near Sedona, Arizona.

More from Sedona
NOTE: these are temporary _video digitizer_ "scans" of my 35mm frames (mediocre quality), check back when PhotoCD scans are ready
Also, more images will be posted -- so check back periodically. Site is still under construction!
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All Images Copyright 1997 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved / No Use Without Permission
e-mail me for licensing/purchase of images byen@ix.netcom.com
or contact my agent Gamma Liasion International