All Images Copyright 2013 Bob Yen / All Rights Reserved / No Use Without Permission
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or contact my photo-agencies Getty Images / Gamma Liasion International

610mm (, .75 crop), Canon 5D II

200mm (, .75 crop), Canon 350D
[ note have 20 more 200mm images in a time-lapse ]

100mm (, .75 crop), Canon 20D
Equipment photos




mount (from far away)



stranger left flowers (base of telescope & in coat pocket), while I was away getting supplies in town

stranger left flowers (base of telescope & in coat pocket), while I was away getting supplies in town

stranger left flowers (base of telescope & in coat pocket), while I was away getting supplies in town

stranger left flowers (base of telescope & in coat pocket), while I was away getting supplies in town
NOTE: later on, the wind blew over the mount on RA axis (coat acted as a "wind sail"), damaging RA connector! As the result, lack of narrow angle photos (1000mm, 610mm, 400mm, 300mm), since the mount would not track!
Scenics photos
following 3 photos demonstrate "green flash" phenomena of setting sun:

note top "flat crown" (this will later minimize as "green flash")

flat crown gets smaller

arrow points to "green flash" (overexposed, appears as white)

hill below observing site

hill below observing site

hill below observing site

hill below observing site

hill below observing site

hill below observing site
Blogging Equipment photos

daytime blogging (Sprint MiFi data card very spotty, strength would be near nil, ocassional 1-2 bars)

charging camera batteries, mount gel-cell, Apple laptop [ I am actually posting while typing on the laptop, using Sprint MiFi 3G/4G card ]
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